Case Study: Boost Acquisition Performance with Conquest Targeting


case studies numbers s  FINTECH Return on Ad Spend
case studies numbers s  FINTECH  boost in conversion rate

The acquisition campaigns for a fintech app were suffering from poor performance and downstream user engagement. The User Acquisition (UA) Manager needed to significantly improve return on ad spend (ROAS) in order to avoid cuts to the mobile marketing team and budget.

Working with the Kochava Collective team the UA Manager was able to determine the field of primary competitors in the same space. She leveraged the Collective Audience Builder and applied filtering criteria to isolate individuals with iOS devices that could support their app features and that also had competitors’ apps installed. The audience was then seamlessly sent to the audience activation API of their preferred demand side platform (DSP) partner. Using demographic insight data on the audience, she worked with her creative team to craft a relevant display ad with a unique special offer.

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With a focused, conquest targeting strategy she achieved a 4X return on ad spend (ROAS) based on a 34% boost in subscription conversions from the newly acquired, high quality users.

Looking to find the ideal audience for your next campaign?

Contact Kochava today to see how we can help.

This use case is one example of the impact of Kochava solutions for advertisers. Kochava makes no guarantee of individual results.